Y4C and its partners launched a Call for Solutions in October 2022 that closed in March 2023. Structured as an innovation challenge, this first Y4C Call for Solutions aims to support the work of young people and youth-led or youth-focused organizations in four thematic areas: Climate Education, Energy, Food and Agriculture, and Urban Sustainability.  

From among 1,100+ proposals received, 100 projects from 63 countries were shortlisted and invited to attend the Youth4Climate: Sparking Solutions Flagship Event in Rome on 17-19 October 2023. Winners, announced at the event, will receive up to USD 20,000 in financial awards, peer-to-peer networking, as well as learning offers graciously supported by partner organizations.  

This report summarises the main sessions from the event, spotlights the winning projects and gives a detailed description of this years Call For Solutions Challenge. 
